Bioinformatics Services
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Bioinformatics Services

Molecular Modeling and Lead Discovery Our company offers Bioinformatics Services:

  • Sequence similarity searching using BLAST, FASTA, etc.
  • Similarity searching using sequence translation, including full genome search based on nucleotide or amino acid sequence request.
  • Identification of functionally important motifs and positions.
  • Design of signatures (patterns) of specific sequence fragments and their application. (Profiles, patterns).
  • Identification of protein coding regions in genomic DNA sequences. Prediction of potential gene product and protein function.
  • Prediction of protein domain composition and domain architecture. (SMART, Pfam, HAMMER, etc.).
  • Alignment of sequences and analysis of their similarity: percent of sequence similarity and percent of sequence identity, the number of gaps, etc. (for nucleotide and amino acid sequences)
  • The profile alignment of sequences.
  • Analysis of the global and local similarity of proteins.
  • Clustering of sequences (using nucleotide and amino acid sequences). Phylogenetic analysis and visualization of phylogenetic trees.
  • Compilation of binding sites patterns based on structural data (PDB, results of structural modeling, etc.) and their chemogenic clustering in order to identify the preferred group of molecular targets.
  • Three-dimensional structure modeling of target proteins, and comparative analysis of their functionally important sites and loops.
  • Structural alignment of 3D-models.
  • Search for sites of possible post-translational modifications and identification of groups of the most probable associated enzymes. (Including analysis of 3D-structures)
  • Prediction of protein-protein interactions. Analysis of possible protein function based on STRING tool results. Identification of proteins, directly interacting with main protein of interest (potential alternative drug targets).

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