Chemical Route Optimization and Scale Up Synthesis |

Process optimization lays the foundation for effective scaling, so it is important to choose the right partner with the proficient experience to help avoid any setbacks during the transition to large manufacturing.
OTAVA Chemicals offers development of new approaches to scale-up your chemical product/technology "from scratch" or optimize already existing ones. Our expertise and capabilities allow us to perform process development and scale-up chemistry of variety classes of chemicals from milligrams to kilograms.
Send us your compound structure now
and evaluate our competitive prices and fast turn-around time.
Our capabilities include:
Research and development of a synthetic route for a scalable product/technology
Process set-up and optimization in laboratory scale; Transferring and optimization in pilot scale
Scale-up of intermediates and building blocks, API
What will you receive:
Weekly progress report
Competitive pricing and fast turn-around time
Reliability and strict confidentiality (NDA)
Prompt response policy
FTE (Full Time Equivalent) & FFS (Fee For Services) projects
Quality control by NMR and/or GC/LC/MS
Purity: 96%+
Custom support: structural modification, etc.
Case study
Kilo scale compounds that are already optimized for bulk synthesis.
An easy way to get started? Just send your request to
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or submit the online contact form. Let's work together!